The main idea of Montessori Method is that every child is treated with respect, given freedom within the limits of a carefully structured environment, and allowed to develop naturally at their own pace.
The Montessori Method of Education recognises the following unique qualities of young children:
- children are to be respected as different to adults, and as individuals who differ from each other.
- the child possesses unusual sensitivity and mental powers for absorbing and learning from his/her environment.
- the most important years of growth are the first six years of life when unconcious learning is gradually brought forward to the concious level.
- the child has a deep love and need for purposeful work. S/He works not as an adult for profit and completion of a job, but
- for the sake of activity, which accomplishes for him/her his/her most important goal;
- for the development of him/herself - his mental and physical powers.
The materials in a Montessori school provide sensorial experiences which enable a child to develop a keen sense of awareness of his environment and thus strengthen his ability to cope with it.